January 2019 Monthly Conference Call

On the call: Joe Wu (Stanford), Nadjet Belbachir (Stanford), Megan Mayerle (Stanford), Lior Gepstein and students (Israel), Luca Sala (Italy), Bjorn Knollmann (Vanderbilt), and Yoshinori Yoshida (Japan)

Date 1/23/19

Topics of Discussion

  1. Monthly update forms designed by Stanford site to be filled out ASAP. Will help with tracking progress, and facilitate collaborations. Budget updates will be sent to Stefan every 3 months.
  2. Each site provided a research progress update. Major research areas currently pursued are a) iPSC-CM maturation methods, b) drug testing and toxicity, c) trafficking assay development.
  3. Megan will set up a Slack to facilitate collaboration between postdocs and graduate students.
  4. Next call will be on February 26th, same local time as this one. All PIs and as many of their staff as are able will be involved.
  5. Spring 2019 grant meeting will be at Stanford on May 7th. All investigators will attend. Many are already planning to attend the HRS meeting in San Francisco the next day.